terça-feira, 17 de maio de 2011


Here I am going to write all of my objectivies with this project.

-Rebuild a new seaquest with the following definitions:
-Resolution up to 1920x1080 (full HD);
-All the images been used  are vetorized, so expect high quality images only;
-Trying to re-create an "engine" close enough to the original one;
-New elements will be added in the game, such as, HI SCORE table, some bonus options to be unlocked, and a big amount of improvements in the game's "feeling";
-Its possible to have a HI SCORE on line.

*Features to be added in the game*
-Day & Night system;
-Weather system;
-The game will change between day and night;
-Rain, sun and snow will be included in the game;
-many others small features wich will be added as bonuses game;

*Engine & Design*
-Engine been used: Multimedia fusion 2 (MMF2);
-Design: Adobe Illustrator CS5 (vetorization and mesh, mainly) and Photoshop CS5 (almost everything apart of vetorization and mesh).

Well, I have started this project about one year ago, but Im doing it all by my self, so if theres someone up to help me, mainly when it comes to programming, I would be glad. Till next post.

segunda-feira, 16 de maio de 2011


Hello, Everybody. Welcome to the SEAQUEST REMAKE HD PROJECT, or just SQRHD. Here we will discuss things relevant to the project, such as, new features, ideias, images and help if it needed. Later I will post the objectivies of this project, so stay tunned for  updates and images!