terça-feira, 17 de maio de 2011


Here I am going to write all of my objectivies with this project.

-Rebuild a new seaquest with the following definitions:
-Resolution up to 1920x1080 (full HD);
-All the images been used  are vetorized, so expect high quality images only;
-Trying to re-create an "engine" close enough to the original one;
-New elements will be added in the game, such as, HI SCORE table, some bonus options to be unlocked, and a big amount of improvements in the game's "feeling";
-Its possible to have a HI SCORE on line.

*Features to be added in the game*
-Day & Night system;
-Weather system;
-The game will change between day and night;
-Rain, sun and snow will be included in the game;
-many others small features wich will be added as bonuses game;

*Engine & Design*
-Engine been used: Multimedia fusion 2 (MMF2);
-Design: Adobe Illustrator CS5 (vetorization and mesh, mainly) and Photoshop CS5 (almost everything apart of vetorization and mesh).

Well, I have started this project about one year ago, but Im doing it all by my self, so if theres someone up to help me, mainly when it comes to programming, I would be glad. Till next post.

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